‚La Dolce Vita‘ as Documentary | Workshop mit Richard Dyer

Wir freuen uns am Mittwoch, 6. Juni 2018, den international renommierten Filmwissenschaftler Richard Dyer am Graduiertenkolleg begrüßen zu dürfen, der im Sommersemester 2018 Marie-Jahoda-Gastprofessor an der RUB ist.

Datum: Mittwoch, 6. Juni 2018
Zeit: 10-14h
Ort: UNI 105 | EG 014
(Am Vorabend des Workshops wird Richard Dyer zudem mit einem Vortrag im Rahmen der Reihe Medien|Denken am Institut für Medienwissenschaft zu Gast sein).

About the Workshop
La dolce vita is stylish and extravagant, yet the incidents in it are all drawn from news stories, many of the cast play themselves and its concerns and structure come out of neo-realism. It is thus documentary, albeit of a peculiar kind – not because it has fictional characters at its centre, or even because one could say that it documents the society of its time, but because its whole approach is founded on the notion of the mediation of reality.

Richard Dyer has an MA from the University of St Andrews and a PhD in Cultural Studies from the University of Birmingham. He was Professor of Film Studies at the University of Warwick and King’s College London and Professorial Fellow at St Andrews. He has lectured very widely in Europe, North America and Australia, been honoured by the Universities of Turku, Dublin and Yale, the Society for Cinema and Media Studies and the British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies and is a Fellow of the British Academy. His work has focused on issues of entertainment and representation and the relationship between them and he has pioneered work on the musical, stars, lesbian and gay cinema and culture, whiteness and popular European cinema, as well as writing books on pastiche, music and film, serial killing and the films brief EncounterSeven and La Dolce Vita. His books include StarsOnly EntertainmentThe Matter of ImagesWhiteThe Culture of QueersPasticheNino RotaIn the Space of a Song and Lethal Repetition: The Serial Killer in European Cinema