Dr. Felix Hüttemann

Universitätsstr. 105
44789 Bochum
Room: UNI 105, 3/28
Phone: +49 (0) 234/32-27098
E-Mail: felix.huettemann@rub.de
Title of the Dissertation
The Dandy and His Media Formings (Working title)
Project Description
In this project, a diversifying dandyistic media-aesthetic will be worked out from the history and media-philosophical discourses of the dandy and his media depictions. Key perspectives of my project are the literary, aesthetic and technical complexes of dandyism, which will be analyzed vis-à-vis the current technological condition, understood as a kind of a revitalized dandyistic (media-)ecology.
Therefore, Dandyism will be considered as an ecological and aesthetic paradigm (following Félix Guattari and others), which is generated out of a specific heterogenic environmental and artificial habitat of things, art, literature, fashion, interior design, and so on.
The question “What is a Dandy?” is not that essential in this analysis/study. What is of greater interest is developing a specific dandyistic media-aesthetic approach, which should be positioned vis-à-vis our current ubiquitous and environmental technology as a kind of environmental-becoming of technology and should constitute an aesthetic challenge to these technological frameworks.
In this project, a diversifiying dandyistic media-aesthetic will be worked out of the history and media-philosophical discourses of the dandy and his media formings. Key perspectives of my project are the literary, aesthetical and technical complexes of dandyism, which will be analyzed in front of the current technological condition, understood as some kind of a revitalized dandyistic (media-)ecology.
Therefore, Dandyism will be considered as an ecological and aesthetic paradigm (after Félix Guattari and others) which is generated out of a specific heterogenic environmental and artificial habitat of things, art, literature, fashion, interior and so on.
The question “What is a Dandy?” is not that essential in this analysis/study. It is more interested in developing a specific dandyistic media-aesthetic approach, which should be positioned in front of our current ubiquitous and environmental technology as a kind of an environmental-becoming of technology and challenge these settings of technology aesthetically.
Scholarly Career
- Since 10/2016: Doctoral Student Member of the DFG Graduate Research Group on “Documentary Practices. Excess and Privation”, Ruhr-University Bochum
- 10/2014 to 10/2016: Doctoral Fellow in the Mercator Research Group 2 “Spaces of Anthropological Knowledge” in Working Group 3 on Media and anthropological knowledge, Ruhr-University Bochum
- 01/2014: Graduation Master of Arts | Master Thesis “Die Zäsur Kybernetik. Das Ende der Vormachtstellung des Menschen durch die Kybernetik im Apriori von Sammeln, Speichern und Verarbeiten von Wissen und die Möglichkeit eines Dritten zwischen Mensch und Maschine.” Primary supervisor: Prof. Dr. Nicolas Pethes, second supervisor: Prof. Dr. Friedrich Balke
- Winter term 2011/12 to winter term 2013/14: Master studies in German studies and Philosophy, Ruhr-University Bochum
- 08/2011: Graduation Bachelor of Arts
- Winter term 2008/09 to Summer term 2011: Bachelor studies in German studies and Philosophy, Ruhr-University Bochum
Other Academic Activities
- Since summer term 2014 lecturer in German studies, new German literature, Ruhr-University Bochum
- Winter term 2012/13 – summer term 2014: Student/research assistant for Jun. Prof. Dr. Yvonne Wübben at the Mercator Research Group 2 “Spaces of Anthropological Knowledge” in Working Group 2 on Literature and anthropological knowledge
- Winter term 2011/12 – summer term 2012: Tutor in Philosophy for “Historical introduction I and II”
Edited Volumes
- Felix Hüttemann, Kevin Liggieri (Ed.): Die Grenze Mensch. Diskurse des Transhumanismus. Bielefeld 2017. (Forthcoming)
- Felix Hüttemann, Kevin Liggieri, Niels Werber: Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik. 2015. Heft 179: Die Literatur des Ersten Weltkrieges.
- „Welt-ohne-uns“. Nicht-menschliche Räume und die Spekulation, sie zu denken. In: Julia Gruevska: Körper und Räume. Studien zur Interdisziplinären Anthropologie, ed. Gerald Hartung. Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2017. (To appear)
- „Ein eigentümlicher Apparat“ oder „Wenn es der Wahrheitsfindung dient!“ Polygraph, Affective Computing und Mensch-Maschine-Verstehen. In: Hans-Ulrich Lessing, Kevin Liggieri (Ed.): “Das Wunder des Verstehens”. Interdisziplinäre Blicke auf ein außerordentliches Phänomen. Freiburg/München 2016. (Forthcoming)
- Der Horror der Ersetzbarkeit – Die Über-natürlichkeit des Medialen und die falsche Angst vor den Dingen. In: Felix Hüttemann, Kevin Liggieri (Ed.): Die Grenze Mensch. Diskurse des Transhumanismus. Bielefeld 2017. (To appear)
- Der Mensch die obsolete Kopplungsstelle. Die Kybernetik als Zäsur des Denkens. In: Jan Baedke, Christina Brandt, Hans-Ulrich Lessing (Ed.): Anthropologie 2.0 Neuere Ansätze einer philosophischen Anthropologie im Zeitalter der Biowissenschaften. Münster/Wien 2015, p. 155-173.
- Désinvolture oder die heitere Verachtung. Vom Dandy und seinem kalten Lächeln. In: Kevin Liggieri (Ed.): Fröhliche Wissenschaft. Genealogie des Lachens. Freiburg/München. 2015, p. 251-272.
- Die Materialschlacht. Ernst Jüngers Werkstätten – Landschaft der Automation. In: Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik. 2015. Heft 179: Die Literatur des Ersten Weltkrieges. Niels Werber, Felix Hüttemann, Kevin Liggieri (Ed.), p. 60-78.
- „Es geht eine Träne auf Reisen…” Vom Elend zwischen Duftsteinen und Schmiersuff. Heinz Strunk: der goldene Handschuh. In: Fusznote. Bochumer Literaturkritik. 10/2016 Edited by Ralph Köhnen, Peter Risthaus, Gregor Schwering, p. 8.
- „Horror, Posthuman Threshold and World-without-us” given on 11.09.16 at the conference „Cold Bodies / Warm Machines. Kunst und Technologie nach dem Menschen“ at NRW Forum Düsseldorf.
- „Luftfahrt tut not” – Die veränderte Mensch-Technik-Relation im Kulminationspunkt der Materialschlacht und am Beispiel der Luftfahrt“ presented together with Kevin Liggieri on 14.11.2014 at the conference „Krieg der Ingenieure“? Der Erste Weltkrieg in Technik und Wissenschaft. 8. Aachener Tag der Wissenschaftsgeschichte.
- „Die Materialschlacht. Ernst Jüngers Werkstätten –Landschaft der Automation” presented on 20.06.2014 at the conference „1914 Kriegerische Diskurse und Diskurse im Krieg“ at Ruhr-University Bochum.
University Courses
- Summer term 2015: Proseminar „Nietzsche, Ernst Jünger, Heidegger II: Technik, Nihilismus, Metaphysikkritik”, Philosophy department, Ruhr-University Bochum (together with Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Lessing)
- Winter term 14/15: Proseminar „Nietzsche, Ernst Jünger, Heidegger I: Technik, Nihilismus, Metaphysikkritik”, Philosophy department, Ruhr-University Bochum (together with Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Lessing)
- Winter term 14/15: Proseminar: „Christian Krachts Roman 1979 und seine Kontexte”, German studies, new German literature, Ruhr-University Bochum
- Summer term 2014: Proseminar: „Diskurse der Zwischenkriegszeit: Ernst Jünger und Walter Benjamin”, German studies, new German literature, Ruhr-University Bochum
- Cooperation in the conception of the conference „Cold Bodies / Warm Machines. Kunst und Technologie nach dem Menschen.” 09.09.16-11.9.16 in cooperation with Medienwerk.NRW and the Goldsmiths University London at NRW Forum Düsseldorf
- Organisation and execution of the conference „1914 Kriegerische Diskurse und Diskurse im Krieg.” 20.06.2014 at Ruhr-University Bochum
- Member of “Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft (GfM)”